Cantiere delle Marche has announced that the first 33.5-metre Nauta Air 110 yacht has entered outfitting at their facility in Ancona, Italy.
read more›The concept of the Nauta Air range is to emphasize a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor spaces.
read more›New details and renderings of the first 37.46-metre Southern Wind SW123 sailing yacht have been unveiled, providing a closer look at the vessel scheduled for launch in February 2027.
read more›The first interior images of the second 44.46-metre CdM Flexplorer 146 explorer yacht Mat have been unveiled, providing a closer look at the vessel’s design, following her launch in the summer of 2024.
read more›Lo yacht, completato e consegnato all’armatore nel 2024, si differenzia per alcuni aspetti dal primo esemplare Maverick
read more›Conrad Shipyard has announced that construction of the third 44.27-metre Conrad C144S superyacht Moonlight is steadily progressing in preparation for her July 2025 delivery date, as she has moved to her outfitting stage.
read more›Con la nuova ammiraglia della flotta il cantiere inaugura anche la linea Plus per gli scafi sopra ai 60 piedi di lunghezza. La prima unità è già in costruzione con varo previsto nel 2026
read more›Italian shipyard Cantiere del Pardo has unveiled its flagship Grand Soleil model: the 24-metre Grand Soleil Plus 80 Long Cruise (GS Plus 80 LC).
read more›Il Cantiere del Pardo continua a stabilire nuovi parametri di riferimento nella costruzione di yacht, riaffermando il suo status di vera e propria icona dell’artigianato italiano.
read more›Grand Soleil Yachts has announced that the first 23.99-metre flagship Grand Soleil Plus 80 sailing yacht is under construction in its Long Cruise version, with a launch planned for 2026.
read more›Un Grand Soleil così non lo avevamo mai visto. Il nuovo Blue del Cantiere del Pardo fa notizia per più di una ragione: segna il ritorno del cantiere italiano a una barca sotto i 10 metri...
read more›Southern Wind inizia il 2025 con un portafoglio ordini ricco di progetti ambiziosi, segno di una crescita costante così come la fiducia da parte dei suoi clienti.
read more›Southern Wind has announced that construction of the first new 37.46-metre flagship Southern Wind SW123 sailing yacht is currently in progress.
read more›Varo previsto a febbraio 2027 per il nuovo modello Smart Custom progettato da Farr Yacht Design e Nauta Design. Lo yacht ha una lunghezza di 37,46 metri fuori tutto e motorizzazione standard o ibrida
read more›I’ll give you a hint. It’s 142 meters long. Now, for those of us less-metrically inclined, that’s a whopping 465-feet-long—way longer than a professional football field.
read more›The 142-metre Lürssen superyacht Dragonfly has been delivered to her owner from the Lürssen Lemwerder facility in Germany. Dragonfly departed the shipyard on 3 December as the fourth yacht delivered by the German builder in 2024.
read more›Il cantiere cerca sempre soluzioni che facilitino la conduzione come la randa avvolgibile sul boma
read more›Lürssen teamed with Frers and Nauta to create this 142m titan that blends military precision with opulent amenities
read more›Lo yacht Dragonfly di 142 metri di lunghezza, è stato consegnato al suo armatore a inizio dicembre dal cantiere tedesco Lurssen, un vero e proprio specialista nella costruzione di mega e giga yacht.
read more›The shipyard is always looking for solutions to make the boats easier to handle, such as a furling mainsail on the boom
read more›Project Thunderball. Già il nome dice tutto. Questo è il nome in codice di un progetto che si accinge a scrivere una nuova pagina nella storia di CRN.
read more›The 142-metre Lürssen superyacht Dragonfly is preparing to depart the Lemwerder facility in Germany in preparation for delivery to her owner.
read more›Grazie all’utilizzo di resine termoplastiche per lo scafo e alla progettazione che facilita lo smontaggio dei componenti, il nuovo modello del cantiere italiano sarà facilmente smaltibile a fine vita
read more›La scorsa settimana a Cape Town è stata varata Kiboko 4, la seconda unità del progetto SW108 di Southern Wind.
read more›Perfetta espressione del bello fatto bene, la cantieristica italiana di lusso si conferma leader mondiale. Anche grazie ai grandi marchi del design.
read more›Un progetto di Farr Yacht Design e Nauta Design costruito in sandwich di composito con anima di Corecell e pelli interne/esterne di carbonio e resina epossidica. Varo previsto per fine 2025
read more›South-African yacht builder Southern Wind has announced that construction has begun on hull three from the popular 35.31-metre SW108 sailing yacht series.
read more›The diesel-electric hybrid features exterior design by Germán Frers, with interiors and social areas by Nauta Design.
read more›Sensibilità estetica e design intelligente sono alla base del Tankoa T700 Milano, nuovo progetto pensato dallo studio di progettazione milanese, che trae ispirazione proprio dalla sua città d’origine
read more›Gli yacht sono la massima rappresentazione del gusto della vita: magnifiche architetture dalla progettazione efficiente con un occhio attento alla sostenibilità
read more›Grand Soleil Yachts è lieta di presentare, al prestigioso Cannes Yachting Festival che si terrà dal 10 al 15 settembre, la sua ultima creazione: il Grand Soleil 52 Performance.
read more›South Africa-based yacht builder Southern Wind has unveiled further details about the in-build 32.7-metre SW100X sailing yacht Allseas.
read more›In conversation with Martino Majno, sales manager and project coordinator at Nauta Yachts, about the evolution of the industry’s design landscape…
read more›While the new vessel shares the foundational concept of the Flexplorer line, she introduces substantial differences in equipment, layout, Owners, guests, crew accommodation, as well as deck configuration.
read more›The Flexplorer 146 Mat marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the series she belongs to.
read more›The 44.33-metre Cantiere delle Marche explorer superyacht Mat has been launched. Mat is the second hull from the Flexplorer 146 superyacht line, which features exterior design and naval architecture from Hydro Tec.
read more›Stretching nearly 230 feet (70 meters), the steel hull and aluminum superstructure for the CRN M/Y 145 project undertook her first cruise, of sorts.
read more›Italian shipyard CRN has announced that its 70-metre superyacht, known only as Project Thunderball, has arrived at the Ferretti Group Superyacht Yard in Ancona for the next stage of construction.
read more›CRN has announced that 70m 145-PROJECT THUNDERBALL has begun a new construction phase, with her hull having been relocated to the Ferretti Group Superyacht Yard in Ancona.
read more›CRN has announced that the hull of the 70-metre Project Thunderball superyacht has been transported to the Ferretti Group Superyacht Yard in Ancona for the next stage of her construction.
read more›Il Grand Soleil 65 LC, una delle barche a vela più attese dell’anno, è frutto del lavoro di un team guidato dal rinomato Franco Corazza.
read more›Che il progetto si chiami Blue non contraddice la vocazione green di questa barca che nasce sotto l’ala del Cantiere del Pardo con la firma di due nomi importanti come Matteo Polli, che ne ha curato l’architettura navale, e Nauta Design, cui è stata affidata la progettazione degli interni.
read more›Nata nel 1986 dalle menti creative di Massimo Gino e Mario Pedol, Nauta Design si è distinta nel panorama nautico inizialmente come cantiere costruttore di yacht a vela eleganti e con una significativa impronta innovativa.
read more›Following her launch in February, the Southern Wind SW96#05 Liberty has set sail from Cape Town and started her 7500-mile maiden voyage to Europe.
read more›"This would be my dream motor yacht!" says Nauta Design's Martino Majno, project manager of the studio's dazzling new explorer project.
read more›Nauta Design has recently unveiled its XP75 to the industry: a 75m motor yacht that goes beyond Nauta’s previous catalogue of explorer vessels.
read more›Con una lunghezza complessiva di 75 metri e una larghezza di 12,8 metri, XP75 va ben oltre qualsiasi altro progetto di explorer a cui Nauta abbia lavorato fino ad oggi.
read more›Nauta Design has unveiled the renderings for a 74.85-metre superyacht concept, the XP75. Based on a client brief, the XP75 is a mature project that is ready to start construction.
read more›Questo sarebbe il motoryacht dei miei sogni! afferma Martino Majno di Nauta Design, project manager del nuovo straordinario progetto Explorer.
read more›The original Nilaya was a groundbreaking cruiser-racer. Her 12m larger replacement incorporates enough innovation and weight-saving techniques to ensure she sets new super trends too. Sam Fortescue reports.
read more›CDM Nauta Air because this line of small ships perfectly combines performance and range with comfort and elegance.
read more›The French shipyard Lagoon has unveiled the renderings of the new Lagoon 43 (13.92 x 7.69 m), which will replace the 42' and will be seen in the water in September, at the Cannes Yachting Festival 2024.
read more›Whether cruising alone, with family, or with friends, the Lagoon 43 promises memorable moments aboard with its innovative features and spacious design.
read more›Here it is, the new Lagoon 43 (13.92 x 7.69 m) “midsize” catamaran from Lagoon that will replace the 42' and that we will see in the water in September, at the Cannes Boat Show.
read more›A l'occasion du salon nautique de la Grande-Motte, Lagoon a levé le voile sur son prochain modèle : le Lagoon 43. La promesse : un catamaran qui s'adapte à toutes les envies, pour des navigations en couple, en famille ou entre amis.
read more›The 35.4-metre Southern Wind sailing yacht Gelliceaux has been announced as the overall winner of the St Barths Bucket 2024.
read more›After three exhilarating days of competitive racing, we are thrilled to announce that the SW108 Gelliceaux has been awarded the overall Bucket Prize on top of winning Class D.
read more›Il nuovo 40 piedi di Grand Soleil è una macchina perfettamente bilanciata tra performance da regata e comfort in crociera.
read more›Tankoa e Nauta hanno chiamato questo nuovo progetto Milano, traendo ispirazione dalla città stessa, che riflette vari aspetti del progetto.
read more›Sviluppato insieme a Nauta Design, il nuovissimo progetto Milano segna un’entusiasmante espansione della gamma Tankoa e sottolinea l’impegno del cantiere boutique nel promuovere partnership innovative con designer di fama.
read more›Il nuovo progetto del cantiere genovese, elaborato insieme a Nauta Design, fonde una tecnologia all’avanguardia con l’attenzione ai dettagli.
read more›Tankoa Yachts has revealed a 70-metre superyacht concept in a first-time collaboration with Nauta Design.
read more›Italy-based yacht builder Tankoa Yachts has unveiled the renderings for a new 70-metre superyacht concept, Tankoa Milano T700 during the Dubai International Boat Show 2024.
read more›Developed in conjunction with Nauta Design, the Milano project adds to the Tankoa range and underscores the shipyard’s desire to continue to evolve by collaborating with leading designers.
read more›South Africa-based yacht builder Southern Wind has announced the launch of the 31.24-metre sailing yacht Liberty. The yacht is the fifth unit in the successful SW96 series and has been built for a second-time Southern Wind owner.
read more›Blue water and regatta sailing, light metal and carbon fibre, combustion engine and electric motor - "Nilaya" combines the best of many worlds. Royal Huisman, Nauta and Reichel/Pugh worked together on the 47 metres.
read more›How long does it take to cross the Atlantic Ocean on a sailing yacht? For Royal Huisman’s 47-meter Nilaya, that would be ten days, give or take an hour or two.
read more›Cantiere delle Marche dio a conocer la venta de un yate Nauta Air 110, continuando su éxito de ventas, como sucedió hace unos meses con el modelo Nauta Air 108.
read more›Delivered in October 2023, Nauta Design’s GELLICEAUX is a stunning addition to its fleet: classy, cool and highly sophisticated.
read more›Cantiere delle Marche (CdM), an Italian yacht builder has announced the sale of the 33.5-metre Nauta Air 110, featuring a beam of 7.5-metres to a very experienced Australian yacht owner.
read more›Designed and engineered from the outset as a diesel-electric hybrid, Gelliceaux is the first unit in Southern Wind's SW108 Smart Custom series with naval architecture by Farr Yacht Design and exterior and interior design by Nauta.
read more›Diesel-electric hybrid Gelliceaux is the first unit in Southern Wind’s SW108 Smart Custom series. The yacht's naval architecture was made by Farr Yacht Design and exterior and interior design by Nauta.
read more›Launched in August 2023, the 35.41-metre Southern Wind sailing yacht Gelliceaux marked an important milestone as the first yacht in the South-Africa-based builder’s Smart Custom Series.
read more›Designed and engineered with meticulous attention to detail, Gelliceaux represents a pioneering achievement in maritime engineering as the inaugural unit in Southern Wind’s SW108 Smart Custom series.
read more›Lo yacht consegnato nell’ottobre scorso ha già navigato per 12.000 miglia.
read more›Progettato fin dall’inizio come ibrido diesel-elettrico, Gelliceaux è la prima unità della serie SW108 Smart Custom di Southern Wind con linee di carena di Farr Yacht Design e design esterno e interno di Nauta.
read more›In una intervista a più voci negli uffici di Milano, Mario Pedol e Massimo Gino di Nauta Design raccontano la storia di uno studio italiano di lunga esperienza e dal raggio d’azione internazionale.
read more›Boats do have personalities. They are fast, slow, sporty, formal, fun, useful, and even playful, interacting with the crew and the guests.
read more›For several years, an increasing number of shipyards have been choosing Boot Düsseldorf to unveil new projects that we will see hitting the water in the following months.
read more›Pardo Yachts, renowned for its commitment to innovative nautical design, proudly presents the latest addition to its fleet.
read more›Cantiere del Pardo expands fleet with three new exciting additions to its power and sailing family.
read more›Cantiere del Pardo, manufacturer of the famous Grand Soleil sailboats and Pardo Yachts motor yachts, is one of the brands that has grown the most in recent years on the Italian and international scene.
read more›The Dusseldorf Boot for Cantiere del Pardo was an opportunity to present 2 new products that we will see on the water for 2024 and 2025.
read more›Plans for three new models unveiled at German boat show. Cantiere del Pardo continues its quest to expand and refine its product range.
read more›The 47m Royal Huisman sailing superyacht Nilaya has sailed to Antigua after a ten-day Atlantic crossing — the ship’s first transatlantic voyage.
read more›Nilaya’s arrival in Antigua signals this no-compromise cruiser is ready to race Royal Huisman’s Nilaya, a Reichel / Pugh – Nauta.
read more›El Nilaya de Royal Huisman, un balandro preparado por Reichel/Pugh-Nauta Panamax, navegó hacia English Harbour, Antigua, después de una rápida travesía del Atlántico que le dio a su propietario.
read more›Royal Huisman's Nilaya, a Reichel / Pugh - Nauta Panamax sloop, sailed into English Harbour, Antigua, after a fast Atlantic crossing that gave her owner and pro race team captain Bouwe Bekking and skipper Romke Loopik.
read more›The 46.8-metre Royal Huisman sailing yacht Nilaya has completed her first transatlantic crossing. She now lies in Antigua for a "pause" following the 10-day journey, before moving on to the St Barths Bucket.
read more›Antigua recently welcomed the grand entrance of Nilaya, a 47m Panamax sloop crafted by Royal Huisman, signaling its readiness for a thrilling racing debut.
read more›The outstanding performance of the 47m Nauta Design and Reichel/Pugh design, skillfully crafted by Royal Huisman, was evident during sea trials in May.
read more›The 46.8-metre Royal Huisman sailing yacht Nilaya has completed her first transatlantic crossing. Delivered to her owners in June of this year, Nilaya spent the summer cruising in the Mediterranean.
read more›Secondo modello della categoria oltre i 60 piedi, il Grand Soleil 65 è disponibile sia nella versione Performance che in quella Long Cruise.
read more›Full-custom project designed by Nauta Design continues apace in Venice.
read more›Si inserisce tra il 55 ed il Sixty5, integrando la gamma in quel segmento luxury dove il cantiere si sta sempre più imponendo sul mercato.
read more›Avete mai provato a salire su un catamarano moderno? Gli spazi sono quelli di una vera e propria casa, con tanto arredamenti ed elettrodomestici extralarge per cui sembra, in quanto a comfort, di stare su una villa sul mare. Sulla coperta poi, sia a prua che a poppa, spazio all’aperto non manca.
read more›Dal Cannes Yachting Festival 2023 arriva la prima “game-changer” nel mercato walkaround: si chiama Pardo 75 e sarà la nuova ammiraglia della celebre gamma walkaround del cantiere italiano.
read more›We were inspired by the lines of the legendary Grand Soleil 52 designed fa Frers in 1987. What, for the time, was a maxiyacht, a great success destined to last with about 60 boats produced.
read more›E’ stato venduto un nuovo Nauta Air 108 di Cantiere delle Marche in collaborazione con Iyc. Lo ha fatto sapere il cantiere navale marchigiano in una nota.
read more›The first superyacht holistically designed by the Milanese studio, Moonflower 72 is a project with clean and elegant lines, with a great connection between exterior and interior.
read more›Primo superyacht disegnato olisticamente dallo studio milanese, Moonflower 72 è un progetto dalle linee pulite ed eleganti, con una grande connessione tra esterno e interno.
read more›The Ferretti Group builder’s newest project is a 70m, 1,100GT five-deck superyacht by Vripack and Nauta Design.
read more›Nuovo progetto, unico e speciale, di CRN. È il superyacht CRN M/Y 145-Project Thunderball, nuovo superyacht di 70 metri in acciaio e alluminio, completamente su misura nella progettazione.
read more›Italy-based shipyard CRN has unveiled a new in-build 70-metre superyacht Project Thunderball.
read more›The Groupe Beneteau catamaran builder’s 40th-anniversary celebrations will include the premiere of the Lagoon 60, which features an open cockpit with drop-down balconies.
read more›The construction of Wider’s Moonflower 72 continues on schedule at Wider’s Superyacht Hub in Venice. Officially signed in January 2022, she is set to be delivered in 2025.
read more›Construction on the 72-metre Wider superyacht Moonflower 72 is progressing, with her hull and superstructure now joined together at Wider’s Superyacht Hub in Porto Marghera, Venice.
read more›The fifth unit in the SW105 series, christened SORVIND, is the result of Southern Wind’s capability combined with the innovative vision of Farr Yacht Design, who was in charge of the yacht’s naval architecture.
read more›Dove il più classico dei materiali “nautici” incontra le tecnologie più avanzate possono nascere barche decisamente affascinanti.
read more›Southern Wind has announced the launch of the first 35.41-metre SW108 Hybrid yacht Gelliceaux. The innovative sailing yacht marks an important milestone for Southern Wind as the first yacht in its series of Smart Custom designs.
read more›Nauta Design has announced its full schedule of five new-build superyacht projects: a grand start to this year’s summer season.
read more›Marc Lombard per le linee d’acqua, Nauta Design per coperta interni, Beneteau punta su una squadra ben rodata per il progetto del nuovo Oceanis 37.1 (11,93 X 3,92 m).
read more›Italian shipyard CRN and design studios Nauta Design and Vripack have teamed up to reveal a new 70-metre superyacht currently under construction and scheduled for delivery in summer 2026.
read more›Southern Wind’s 29-metre Nyumba was built for owners who knew exactly what they wanted: performance cruising with no fuss. The yard’s innovative hybrid system gave them an efficient world-girding sailing yacht with serious green credentials, says Risa Merl.
read more›The world debut of the Grand Soleil 72 Long Cruise version is now just around the corner. In fact, the flagship of the Grand Soleil fleet recently launched in Pesaro.
read more›La barca a vela Nilaya ha lasciato il cantiere per una serie di prove nel mare del Nord, per poi essere consegnata al suo armatore.
read more›I used to be a sailor! In fact, I was the boat test editor at various American sailing magazines for many years.
read more›Poland-based shipyard Conrad Shipyard has announced the sale of the third hull in the 44.27-metre Conrad C144S yacht series, Project Moonlight.
read more›Nauta Design studio has shared the first renderings of the exterior of the Moonflower 72, a 72-metre superyacht in steel and aluminium under construction in Wider’s Venetian shipyard.
read more›Wider Superyacht Hub, in collaboration with Nauta Design, is charting a course toward the future of superyacht design and innovation with its latest project, the MOONFLOWER 72.
read more›Frutto del DNA di Southern Wind, il nuovo SW100X combinerà le conoscenze e l’esperienza acquisite con la costruzione di quasi 40 imbarcazioni a vela nella gamma dei 90-110 piedi.
read more›New exterior design images have been unveiled of the 72-metre superyacht Moonflower 72. First announced in May 2022, construction of the Nauta Design project is well underway at the Wider Superyacht Hub in Porto Marghera.
read more›Following the launch of the SW96 Nyumba in February, Massimo Gino of Nauta Design explores in more detail the boat’s development in line with Southern Wind Shipyard’s ‘Smart Custom’ philosophy.
read more›The 46.8-metre Royal Huisman super sailing yacht Nilaya was christened in Amsterdam this weekend at the Het Scheepvaartmuseum (National Maritime Museum) in the heart of Amsterdam.
read more›El astillero fabricante ha reducido un 11% el peso de este barco con respecto a sus semejantes.
read more›Following the launch of the SW96 Nyumba, Massimo Gino of Nauta Design explores in more detail the yacht’s design that was specially tailored to meet the client’s wishes in line with Southern Wind Shipyard’s ‘Smart Custom’ philosophy.
read more›South African shipyard Southern Wind has offered a first look inside the fourth unit in its SW96 series. Named Nyumba, meaning "home" in Swahili.
read more›“Nonostante questo sia il quarto scafo della serie SW96, Nyumba è straordinariamente speciale”, esordisce Massimo Gino, co-fondatore di Nauta Design a Milano e da lunga data partner nei progetti per Southern Wind Shipyard.
read more›Founded in 1991 in Cape Town, South Africa, sailing yacht builder Southern Wind is synonymous with versatile and cost effective vessels for bluewater sailing.
read more›South Africa-based yacht builder Southern Wind has unveiled the first renderings for its 30.48-metre sailing yacht concept SW100X. The new yacht is described by the shipyard as “an iconic fast cruiser, reimagined with experience.”
read more›When the same parties work together over about two decades, does complacency set in? Not with Southern Wind Shipyard, Farr Yacht Design, and Nauta Design.
read more›Stemming from the DNA of Southern Wind, the new SW100X will combine all the knowledge and experience gained from the construction of nearly 40 performance sailing yachts in the 90- to 110-foot range.
read more›Southern Wind’s latest concept was designed to encourage you to spend more time in the sunshine.
read more›South African shipyard Southern Wind has announced a new line of 30.4-metre sailing yachts called SW100X. The semi-custom series was presented at a press conference in Cape Town attended by members of the media.
read more›South Africa-based yacht builder Southern Wind has unveiled the first renderings for its 30.48-metre sailing yacht concept SW100X. The new yacht is described by the shipyard as “an iconic fast cruiser, reimagined with experience.”
read more›On an uncharacteristically blustery day on the Riviera, Simon de Burton finds Pardo’s GT52 brings its own sunshine.
read more›Due versioni (Performance e Race) per un modello, il GS 40 di Cantiere del Pardo, che dopo i primi mesi in acqua (l’esordio al Cannes Yachting Festival 2022).
read more›Due versioni (Performance e Race) per un modello, il GS 40 di Cantiere del Pardo, che dopo i primi mesi in acqua si fa ora apprezzare anche nel servizio fotografico.
read more›Il progetto vede Matteo Polli autore dell’architettura navale e Nauta Design responsabile per il design interno ed esterno; due le versioni: Performance e Race.
read more›Velocità, eleganza, ergonomia, sicurezza. Sono queste le quattro chiavi di lettura che hanno portato alla creazione del Grand Soleil 40, un modello che già dopo questi primi mesi in acqua.
read more›Il progetto vede Matteo Polli autore dell’architettura navale e Nauta Design responsabile per il design interno ed esterno. Due le versioni disponibili: Performance e Race.
read more›Il Grand Soleil 40 nasce sulla scia del successo del 44, barca che ha vinto due volte di fila il Mondiale ORC e ha fatto registrare un importante numero di vendite al Cantiere del Pardo.
read more›Velocità, eleganza, ergonomia, sicurezza: ecco il Grand Soleil 40 realizzato da Matteo Polli e Nauta Design in collaborazione con l’Ufficio Tecnico del Cantiere.
read more›Netherlands-based yacht builder Royal Huisman has announced the launch of the 46.8-metre sailing yacht Nilaya. The high-performance cruiser sloop departed the Vollenhove facility last week.
read more›46.8m superyacht Nilaya is the latest superyacht to be spotten departing from Royal Huisman’s construction sheds in Vollenhove.
read more›In July 2022, SuperYacht Times had the chance to sit down with the enthusiastic and experienced owners of the very first hybrid Southern Wind 108.
read more›At fifteen metres long and over eight wide, there is no lack of space, whether on deck, inside or on the flybridge. But the French yard’s new catamaran can deliver good performance under sail.
read more›Her name is Pardo GT75 and she is the new flagship of Pardo Yachts, the brand of the Italian shipyard that, perhaps more than any other at the moment, is conquering important market shares.
read more›Dopo il debutto del Grand Soleil 72 al Cannes Yachting Festival 2022, Cantiere del Pardo svela al Boot Düsseldorf 2023 il nuovo Grand Soleil 65, secondo modello nella categoria oltre i 60 piedi.
read more›Dopo il debutto del Grand Soleil 72 al Cannes Yachting Festival 2022, Cantiere del Pardo svela al Boot Düsseldorf 2023 l’ultimo nato della flotta Grand Soleil.
read more›Dopo il debutto del Grand Soleil 72 al Cannes Yachting Festival 2022, Cantiere del Pardo svela al Boot Düsseldorf 2023 l’ultimo nato della flotta Grand Soleil.
read more›Il Pardo GT75, la nuova ammiraglia crossover di Pardo Yachts, presentata all’ultimo Cannes Yachting Festival, è disponibile in diverse versioni con styling esterno e interno curato da Nauta Design.
read more›Il Pardo GT75, la nuova ammiraglia crossover di Pardo Yachts, presentata all’ultimo Festival di Cannes, appare in versioni differenti con styling esterno e interno a cura di Nauta Design.
read more›South African shipyard, Southern Wind, has launched its fourth unit from the SW96 series – SY NYUMBA, which becomes the first hybrid sailing yacht in the Southern Wind fleet.
read more›South Africa’s Southern Wind has launched the 31.24-metre sailing yacht Nyumba GT, the fourth unit from its SW96 series and the first in its fleet to be equipped with a hybrid propulsion system.
read more›South African shipyard Southern Wind has launched the fourth unit in its SW96 series, which has been christened Nyumba, meaning "home" in Swahili.
read more›The new ClubSwan 80, My Song delivers impressive performances at her first competitive outings.
read more›Il ClubSwan 80 My Song si guadagna il podio alla sua prima uscita agonistica, in occasione della Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup.
read more›This is how a maxi yacht transforms from racing to cruising. How the new My Song – ClubSwan 80 was born and changes face in the story of its creators Pigi Loro Piana and Mario Pedol.
read more›Ecco come un maxi yacht si trasforma da regata a crociera. Com’è nato e cambia faccia il nuovo My Song – ClubSwan 80 nel racconto dei suoi ideatori Pigi Loro Piana e Mario Pedol.
read more›Travelling distances, long cruises and spending a long time aboard. The new trawler from Bénéteau was not designed to stay tied up at the quay.
read more›In un fine stagione segnato da grandi annunci e novità, anche il Cantiere del Pardo fa sentire la sua voce, annunciando a Cannes la nuova ammiraglia della flotta Pardo Yachts: il Pardo GT75.
read more›La seconda versione di Pardo GT52 propone un layout galley-up, nuova scommessa del Cantiere romagnolo che affianca l’opzione galley-down nell’offerta di imbarcazioni fuori dal comune.
read more›Construction has just begun on the technological Moonflower 72 superyacht, set to hit the seas in 2025. A collaboration between Nauta Design and Wider, the project features the patented “The Island” system.
read more›Dallo studio milanese escono progetti di barche a vela eleganti e performanti, imbarcazioni a motore di ogni dimensione, tender ed Explorer. Progetti olistici dove interni ed esterni sono in totale connessione.
read more›Wider created its brand by making slender boats, well, wider. The trend goes on with Moonflower, with its expandable, apartment-sized stern.
read more›Wider has laid the keel of the 72-metre superyacht Moonflower 72, the first full-custom new build project following the recapitalisation of the brand under Marcello Maggi and W-Fin Sarl.
read more›In mid-2021 the South African shipyard Southern Wind announced a new sailing yacht concept, one that went beyond a single vessel and focused on a fresh new approach to semi-custom yacht design – ‘Smart Custom’.
read more›Italian design studio Nauta Design has revealed the interior renderings of Nautor’s Swan’s brand new ClubSwan 80 sailing yacht, ‘My Song’.
read more›Nauta Design has revealed the first interior renderings of the new ClubSwan 80, now named My Song, which touched the water for the first time last week in La Spezia.
read more›Il ClubSwan 80 My Song è stato varato a La Spezia. Si tratta della prima unità della nuova gamma ClubSwan 80 costruita da Persico Marine che va a completare la gamma ClubSwan Yachts.
read more›The first 24.7-metre ClubSwan 80 launched and christened My Song in La Spezia, Italy in a private ceremony. The ClubSwan 80 yacht demonstrates Nautor’s Swan's ability to offer a range of yachts that are based on values of style, speed, innovation, technology and competitive sailing potential.
read more›The latest generation of hybrid propulsion from the partnership between the Milan design studio and the shipyard from Ancona
read more›A meeting of the minds in early 2021 between Wider Yachts and Nauta Design led to a contract signing this past January for the Moonflower 72. This week, the superyacht started construction.
read more›Nauta Design and Wider have announced the start of the construction of the Moonflower 72 project. The 72m steel and aluminium superyacht will be equipped with the latest generation of the Wider hybrid propulsion system.
read more›Nauta and Wider have announced the sale and start of the construction of a 72-metre superyacht called the Moonflower 72 project.
read more›Masquenada è già in viaggio per il suo giro del mondo. Mario Pedol di Nauta Design racconta gli interventi durati otto mesi che hanno portato a nuova vita il motor yacht.
read more›Owner Pier Luigi Loro Piana is a highly experienced sailor, but the Masquenada motor yacht refit project was based around his changing priorities.
read more›The new Grand Soleil 40 has all the credentials to replicate the great success of the GS 44, winner of the last ORC World Championship.
read more›Cantiere del Pardo has presented its new motor yacht, Pardo GT52 at an exclusive event in Saint Tropez.
read more›Owner Pier Luigi Loro Piana is a highly skilled sailor that has traditionally leant towards superyacht projects that have met the requirements for his love of competitive sailing.
read more›Hearts went out to Pier Luigi Loro Piana when he lost his boat My Song in a fluke accident. But, as Laura Nicholls discovers, the tide has now turned in his favour, thanks to a bold new motor yacht named Masquenada.
read more›Pier Luigi Loro Piana is best known as a competitive sailor and the owner of four sailing yachts called My Song designed by Nauta Design, culminating in the Baltic 130 delivered in 2016.
read more›Caoz 14 (previously named Selene and Parsifal IV) is a graceful 56m Perini Navi sailing yacht launched in 2007. Following on from their win in the Best Refit category for the Vitters yacht G2 at the 2019 World Superyacht Awards, Nauta Design was tasked by the owner to refresh her aging interior design.
read more›In 40 piedi sono concentrate comodità, eleganza e spazio degni di un superyacht: grazie a un lavoro certosino di exterior e interior design, che ha sfruttato ogni angolo della barca.
read more›Il Grand Soleil 40, una barca veloce e reattiva dalla marcata personalità sportiva, verrà esposto come World Première al Cannes Yachting Festival 2022.
read more›The new Grand Soleil 40 aims to replicate the great success of the GS 44, winner of the last ORC World Championship. Grand Soleil 40 will make the World debut during the Cannes Yachting Festival 2022.
read more›Southern Wind has launched 32.27m Sørvind, the fifth SW105 model sailing yacht, from its yard in Cape Town. The brief was to build, “a high performance bluewater yacht for fast and comfortable sailing that embodies a Nordic Cool spirit.”
read more›The 56-metre Perini Navi sailing yacht Caoz 14 has just completed an extensive refit directed by Nauta Design and carried out by MMC Allestimenti in Genoa.
read more›South African builder Southern Wind has launched the 34.59 metre sailing yacht Sørvind. The yacht hit the water for the first time in Cape Town and joins the fleet as the fifth unit of the SW105 series.
read more›First launched in 2007 by Perini Navi and formerly known as Selene and Parsifal IV, the yacht’s ageing interiors were restyled by Nauta Design and refreshed in just six months at MMC Allestimenti in Genoa. The finished result is a dramatically different looking yacht with a more modern feel.
read more›The Pardo GT52 is only a hint of what’s to come from the Italian builder. Like its first ever GT model, the Italian boatbuilder is set to shift into high gear.
read more›A 2022 European Powerboat of the Year winner, the Grand Trawler 62 is designed for long cruises in comfort, with Beneteau’s new flagship offering a remarkable range of over 1,000nm, highly practical indoor and outdoor areas plus a plethora of storage space. And the best bit? Asia is welcoming hull four.
read more›Da lontano analizzo il profilo di questo superyacht a vela che, oltre ad essere inconfondibile, è dotato di una classe infinita. Le linee tracciate da Mario Pedol e Massimo Gino di Nauta Yachts sono essenziali, pure, bellissime e consentono al semi rised saloon, di elevarsi dalla coperta in modo sopraffino, quasi impercettibile.
read more›Disegnato da Marc Lombard con la collaborazione di Nauta Design per interni e ponte di coperta.
read more›Il Cantiere del Pardo vuole consolidarsi nel mercato delle barche a motore con il nuovo Pardo GT 52, il cui debutto internazionale è previsto per il salone nautico di Düsseldorf nel 2022.
read more›Nauta Design ha disegnato esterni e interni del nuovo Southern Wind 105 GT Taniwha facendo tesoro della precedente esperienza e creando uno stile seducente e innovativo.
read more›继去年夏天的处女航和今年在摩纳哥游艇展上的首次亮相后,这艘长32.27米的帆船在今年无疑掀起了波澜。
read more›Nauta Design has showcased the depth of its design skills in the brand-new Southern Wind 105GT, Taniwha, one of the stars of the recent Monaco Yacht Show.
read more›Nauta Design has showcased the depth of its design skills in the brand-new Southern Wind 105GT, Taniwha, one of the stars of the last Monaco Yacht Show.
read more›Following her maiden voyage this past summer and her debut at this year’s Monaco Yacht Show, the 32.27-metre sailing yacht Taniwha has certainly made waves this year.
read more›A Nauta Design revelou detalhes do design da nova Southern Wind 105GT, Taniwha, uma das estrelas do recente Monaco Yacht Show. Entregue neste verão, ela realizou sua primeira aparição pública e recebeu elogios de todo o setor.
read more›Nauta Design has showcased the depth of its design skills in the brand-new Southern Wind 105GT, Taniwha, one of the stars of the last Monaco Yacht Show.
read more›The new Southern Wind 105GT, Taniwha, which debuted at the recent Monaco Yacht Show, was a particularly challenging project because it meant interpreting the owners brief by adding customizations.
read more›Para atender las necesidades de sus clientes, quienes demandaban una mayor amplitud a bordo de sus yates familiares, pero sin llegar a ser tan voluminosos, en Nauta Yachts crearon Nauta 54m Wide.
read more›Seguire il suono del mare navigando con lentezza: la dimensione della serenità e della pace in mare». È la filosofia di Zattera 24M, progetto di Nauta Design e Francesco Rogantin.
read more›The new 24-meter Zattera that is currently under construction at Castagnola Yacht in Lavagna, Italy began with an idea from Renzo Piano and Olav Selvaag. Nauta Design and Francesco Rogantin.
read more›A 23.96-metre yacht, constructed with a wooden hull and superstructure, is currently in build at the Castagnola shipyard in Lavagna Italy.
read more›Nauta Design превратила в проект яхты идею архитектора Ренцо Пьяно и инженера Олава Сельваага.
read more›With a low freeboard hull and impressively low noise levels, the architect’s first motor vessel is comparable to a sailboat, says Charlotte Hogarth-Jones.
read more›Il varo dello scafo nel cantiere navale Castagnola di Lavagna, l’armatore è norvegese.
read more›Get ready for enormous space on the water with Italian superyacht design studio Nauta’s newest hybrid in the works.
read more›Gran Soleil 44 represents the new tangible challenge from Cantiere del Pardo. A yacht with contemporary lines with minimalist yet stylish interiors. Ideal for long cruises in complete comfort but also for high-performance regattas.
read more›The lightweight construction of the 151-foot (46-meter) performance cruiser—Royal Huisman’s Project 405 aka Reichel / Pugh - Nauta 151—employs the shipyard’s new “Featherlight” method which combines the best of both worlds: performance and comfort.
read more›Versatility and flexibility of spaces, comfort and design. Endurance 60 from Pardo Yachts is tailored to the demanding and project-conscious owner with great respect for nature and the desire to experience it in total contact.
read more›Che sia un’uscita limitata a poche ore, al week end oppure una navigazione a lungo raggio su periodi prolungati, il nuovo Endurance 60 della linea Pardo Yacht mostra le proprie doti progettuali e costruttive affrontando il mare con grande autonomia e accogliendo tre cabine e tre bagni, compresa quella dell’armatore.
read more›The Dutch shipyard Royal Huisman has released the first shots of the 46-metre super sailing yacht Reichel / Pugh Nauta 151 hull turning as she moves into the next stage of construction.
read more›Il nuovo 24 metri del Cantiere di Forlì nasce per mano di un team tutto italiano.
read more›High constructive technology and Southern Winds unmistakeable lines “Morgana” is the new 100’ from this South African shipyard that sailed into La Spezia after covering seven thousand sea miles.
read more›L’abitabilità è uno dei grandissimi focus della nautica contemporanea. Una tendenza che ha probabilmente la sua origine nel boom dei catamarani che rappresentano il vertice del comfort di bordo in termini di stabilità e volumi a disposizione, fuori e dentro.
read more›This 115 is customized according to the owner precise requests and features Nauta Design's interior. This is the first time that Nauta designers, Mario Pedol and Massimo Gino created an interior of a Darwin Class.
read more›La novità era attesa ed è stato lo stesso mercato a chiederla al colosso Beneteau. Tra l’Oceanis 30.1 e il 40.1, nel processo di rinnovamento della gamma, il cantiere francese non aveva ancora inserito alcun tassello.
read more›When My Song, the Baltic 130 sailing yacht designed by Nauta and Reichel/Pugh for Pierluigi Loro Piana, was irretrievably damaged in a shipping accident in 2019, many wondered what would be the veteran sailor’s next move.
read more›Following a major, nine-month long refit, Lusben has finally launched Masquenada, a sizeable 51-metre expedition yacht, now owned by fashion mogul and sailing enthusiast Pier Luigi Loro Piana.
read more›After a major refit that lasted just 9 months, Lusben has launched “Masquenada”, a 51-meter expedition yacht now owned by Pier Luigi Loro Piana. The main focus was the external profile of the boat – based on the work of Nauta Design.
read more›During an intense and engaging private ceremony, held in Livorno at the Lusben shipyard, the 51-meter M/Y “Masquenada” expedition yacht was launched in the presence of her new owner.
read more›“L’elemento più importante di questo intero progetto è stato il tempo” ha dichiarato Pier Luigi Loro Piana durante il discorso di ringraziamento in occasione del varo.
read more›The 51-metre explorer superyacht Masquenada, previously known as Aspire, has completed an extensive, 9-month long refit at the Lusben Shipyard in Livorno, Italy, following her recent sale to Pier Luigi Loro Piana.
read more›Previously known as Aspire, the newly-refitted 51-metre expedition yacht Masquenada was launched yesterday at the Lusben shipyard in Italy.
read more›Following her launch this past April and sea trials this past May, the 32.27-metre high performance sloop Taniwha has embarked on her maiden voyage. Taking off from Cape Town, the journey will span 7,400 miles with the Mediterranean as her final destination.
read more›The basic concept behind the Nauta 54m Wide ( 177-footer) started with requests from clients who wanted plenty of room on board to accommodate a family in comfort.
read more›Il concetto base del Nauta 54m Wide è frutto delle richieste di clienti che desideravano molto spazio per ospitare comodamente una famiglia numerosa ma, al contempo, non volevano uno yacht troppo grande, così da poter ormeggiare in luoghi pittoreschi.
read more›Feadship is known for building custom superyachts that clients start designing and building with a blank piece of paper and their hearts desires.
read more›Основная концепция суперяхты Nauta 54m Wide длиной 54 м началась с запроса клиентов, которым нужно было много места на борту для комфортного размещения своей большой семьи.
read more›Sometimes when owners want more space, they don’t necessarily want a larger yacht. Nauta Design has had conversations to this effect with several of their customers, in fact.
read more›Nauta Design presents the 54m Wide – a new concept with pure lines and original layout solutions conceived for modern family lifestyles afloat.
read more›Nauta Design has just announced its latest concept, the 54-metre superyacht Nauta 54m Wide. Central to the design of the Nauta 54m Wide is the balance between a high volume yacht, coming in at 800 GT.
read more›Italian superyacht design studio Nauta Design has unveiled a hybrid 54 metre yacht concept named 54m Wide.
read more›Nauta Design, the design genius behind the world’s largest and most famous superyacht Azzam, always strives to conceive new projects with real client feedback in mind. Its latest concept, the Nauta 54m Wide, is no exception.
read more›Le Nauta 54m Wide est le nouveau concept du cabinet de design du même nom, proposant des solutions d'aménagement originales pour vivre à flots en famille.
read more›The low-slung exterior lines are typical of Nauta’s sleek and simple styling and despite being a high-volume yacht for her length, the Nauta 54m Wide looks poised and graceful on the water.
read more›Yacht Style attended the Lagoon 55 preview at Groupe Beneteau’s CNB shipyard in Bordeaux, where the brand’s third-biggest sailing cat cruised along the Garonne river.
read more›Southern Wind has announced that construction has commenced on the 29.24-metre sailing yacht Nyumba, at the builder’s facilities in Cape Town.
read more›The 32.27-metre high performance sloop Taniwha, from South African shipyard, Southern Wind, has completed her first sailing sea trials since her launch in Cape Town in April.
read more›The GS 72 will be the best design synthesis of the already rich and appreciated Grand Soleil family, complementing the current range extending from 34 to 58 feet divided between Long Cruise and Performance.
read more›The extensive construction experience of the Forlì-based shipyard is combined with the development of innovative solutions, that place increasing emphasis on sustainability and energy efficiency, to create the Grand Soleil 72 Performance
read more›The Grand Soleil 72 will be the best design synthesis of the already rich and appreciated Grand Soleil family, complementing the current range extending from 34 to 58 feet divided between Long Cruise and Performance.
read more›Sustainability is top priority at SWS. As a builder of yachts designed for long-range performance cruising with a high level of autonomy, it has been important for SWS to develop a solution that is both environmentally friendly and dependable.
read more›Il GS 72 sarà la migliore sintesi progettuale della già ricca e apprezzata famiglia Grand Soleil, integrandosi con l’attuale gamma che si estende dai 34 ai 58 piedi suddivisa tra Long Cruise e Performance.
read more›Southern Wind have released new details in regard to their 32.77-metre “smart custom” sailing yacht, the SW108 Hybrid, which can feature a diesel electric hybrid propulsion system.
read more›Знаменитый нидерландский яхтенный бренд Feadship представил концепт 72,6-метровой яхты Project 2024. Судно со стальным корпусом и алюминиевой надстройкой разработано совместно с итальянской студией Nauta Design.
read more›Sin duda no la hay, pues dejando de lado la majestuosidad del lugar, el yate de Nauta Design tiene un diseño clásico, encantador y lleno de mucha clase.
read more›Reichel/Pugh-Nauta 100 Morgana is the new 100-foot custom sloop commissioned in 2017, built by Southern Wind in South Africa.
read more›Dutch yacht builder Feadship has teamed up with Nauta Design to present a 72m fast-track superyacht concept named Project 2024. Revealed during an online press conference, Project 2024 was created in partnership with Nauta.
read more›Taniwha has a GT (Gran Turismo) deck configuration custom designed for the owners.
read more›This week the Dutch shipyard Feadship announced the details of their latest superyacht design, the 72.6-metre Project E2024, created in partnership with Nauta Design, ready to be built at Feadship’s shipyard on Kaag Island.
read more›The 32 metre yacht was launched in Cape Town after being sold to a first time Southern Wind customer described as “a passionate yachtsman”. Designed by Farr Yacht Design and Nauta Design.
read more›There is only one word to describe Morgana, the latest launch from Southern Wind Shipyard in Cape Town, South Africa. That word is ‘stunning’.
read more›Comfort, spazi, buone doti in navigazione anche con mare formato e tanta autonomia. L’ultimo modello a motore del cantiere francese è fatto per navigare a lungo.
read more›Per la realizzazione del Pardo Endurance 60 l’Ufficio Tecnico del Cantiere del Pardo si è avvalso della collaborazione di Davide Leone per l’architettura navale e per le linee di carena e di Nauta Design per la parte di interior design.
read more›It's primed to snatch titles in regattas, too. Nauta Design has just unveiled a showstopping custom sloop that could be a serious regatta contender.
read more›The creative minds at Royal Husiman, Nauta, and Reichel/Pugh Yacht Design have come together to create a new sailing boat: the Nauta 151 yacht.
read more›Morgana may appear svelte and serene, but get this 30-metre on the racecourse and she’ll rip the competition apart. Elaine Bunting meets a Southern Wind sailing beauty with raw power under the skin.
read more›De los creadores del superyate más grande del mundo, el Azzam, de 180 metros del cual hablaremos próximamente, Nauta Design ahora ha revelado el nuevo Morgana, hecho realidad por el astillero Southern Wind y posee 30 metros de eslora.
read more›Nauta Design co-founder Mario Pedol has opened up about the design journey behind the 30 metre Southern Wind sailing yacht Morgana.
read more›In today’s globally connected and innovation-driven economy, intellectual property is increasingly relevant and patents have emerged as intangible assets that define commercial value.
read more›Feadship’s 88.38 metre superyacht Zen has been captured undertaking sea trial testing on the North Sea. It comes after the yacht, previously known as Project 816, first hit the water on December 19. The yacht is due for delivery following the completion of sea trials.
read more›The new 88.38-metre Feadship superyacht Zen has been put to the test out on the North Sea this week where the builder is preparing for the handover of one of its latest projects.
read more›Morgana, il nuovo sloop custom di 100 piedi costruito dal cantiere sudafricano Southern Wind, è arrivato a La Spezia dopo un viaggio inaugurale di oltre 7.000 miglia nautiche, dalla punta meridionale dell’Africa al Mediterraneo.
read more›It’s fun to think about going back in time, to a day when things were better made and old-world craftsmanship reigned. On the other hand, today’s incredible technology is an advantage in the here and now.
read more›Morgana, the new 100-foot custom sloop by Southern Wind, arrived in La Spezia, Italy, after a maiden voyage of more than 7,000 nautical miles from the southern tip of Africa to the Mediterranean.
read more›Morgana, the new 100-foot custom sloop by Southern Wind, has arrived in La Spezia, Italy, after a maiden voyage of more than 7,000 nautical miles from the southern tip of Africa to the Mediterranean.
read more›Southern Wind's 30 metre RP-Nauta 100 custom sailing yacht Morgana has arrived in the Mediterranean following a 7,000 nautical mile maiden voyage from its shipyard in South Africa.
read more›The fact this new 100-foot custom sloop just debuted would be noteworthy simply because it’s so damn sexy. But I’m not surprised since Morgana features exterior and interior design by Nauta Design.
read more›Morgana, the new 30m custom sloop by Southern Wind, has arrived in La Spezia, Italy, after a maiden voyage of more than 7,000nm from the southern tip of Africa to the Mediterranean.
read more›After departing for a more than 7,000 nautical mile maiden voyage from South Africa, Morgana, the 30-metre sailing yacht has been delivered to her owner in La Spezia, Italy.
read more›A yacht that excites. Powerful, fast and with a contemporary design creating a play of simple yet appealing shapes and lines. This 33-metre custom build is by the South African yard Southern Wind from a concept by Nauta Design, with naval architecture by Reichel/Pugh Yacht Design.
read more›Cantiere del Pardo presenta la nuova imbarcazione firmata da Matteo Polli, un modello con due diversi layout pensati per godersi la crociera o vincere in regata.
read more›Cantiere del Pardo presents Grand Soleil 44, the new boat by Matteo Polli, a model with two different layouts designed to enjoy cruises or win regattas.
read more›Grand Soleil 44 Performance awarded Performance Yacht of the Year by the British Yachting Awards 2020.
read more›Sail Magazine announced that the Oceanis 40.1 has been awarded 'Best Monohull Cruising Boat Under 50ft' for 2021!
read more›Feadship’s 88.38 metre superyacht Project 816 has hit the water for the first time. It was the first time the yacht, which was launched on December 19, has been seen after entering the Amsterdam-based shipyard in May last year.
read more›Feadship launched the new 88.38-metre Project 816 superyacht at its facility in Amsterdam today. The project entered the builder’s new shipyard in May last year, and was revealed today showing off her elegant De Voogt design for the first time.
read more›Mario Pedol, Design CEO of Nauta Yachts, has always been ahead of the curve. Years before “holistic design” and “seamless integration of indoors and out” became common phrases in flowery yacht editorials, Pedol was designing superyachts that gave as much consideration to outdoor living as the interiors.
read more›Merging modern materials with traditional construction, the Heritage 9.9 from Castagnola Yacht works as both a short-range cruiser and a tender for larger vessels.
read more›Giovanni Castagnola started building beautiful wooden boats in the 1970s. Now his grandson Gabriele is building on that legacy.
read more›You might recognise The Island from Nauta Design’s 78.4-metre concept Slipstream, which in 2019 is the most recent vessel to feature the newly-patented beach club concept.
read more›Giovanni Castagnola started building beautiful wooden boats in the 1970s. Now his grandson Gabriele is building on that legacy.
read more›This week we heard exciting news from the design masterminds behind the world’s largest superyacht, Azzam, and her elegant exterior. Nauta Design has now fully patented its innovative ‘island’ for expanding superyacht aft decks and beach clubs.
read more›In today’s globally connected and innovation-driven economy, intellectual property is increasingly relevant and patents have emerged as intangible assets that define commercial value.
read more›Nauta Design was one of the first to take a long, hard look at the interior-exterior dialogue in motoryacht design, starting with 80-metre Project Light back in 2006 that re-examined the relationship between a superyacht and its environment.
read more›Born from the longstanding collaboration between Nauta Design, creators of the yacht’s general design, exterior and interior, Reichel/Pugh Yacht Design, who penned the naval architecture and Southern Wind Shipyard.
read more›The new Castagnola Heritage 9.9—designed by Nauta Design and developed by Francesco Rogantin's Studio Names for Naval Architecture and Engineering—was built by Castagnola with a new (patented) construction technology.
read more›The 30 metre RP-Nauta 100 custom sailing yacht has been launched by the Southern Wind Shipyard and named Morgana. Morgana will now begin sea trials off the coast of Cape Town before being delivered to its owner.
read more›A 100’ full custom high-performance cruiser-racer of unparalleled elegance.
read more›Leaving her shed at the Southern Wind shipyard this week is the just-launched 30-metre yacht Morgana, who after three years in the making, is the South African shipyard's latest custom model.
read more›The Reichel/Pugh-Nauta 100' is completed in the Cape Town sheds of Southern Wind Shipyard. Launch for this yacht- with naval architecture penned by Reichel/Pugh Yacht Design and Nauta Design general concept.
read more›For the past few months the Nauta Design team has been smart working with the same passion and professionalism as ever, obtaining excellent results and respecting all deadlines for the many projects that are keeping us happily occupied.
read more›Presented at the Genoa International Boat Show, which just ended, the first construction of the Castagnola Heritage 9.9, designed by Nauta Design and developed by Francesco Rogantin’s Studio Names for Naval Architecture and Engineering.
read more›“I’m looking for a high-performance bluewater yacht for fast and comfortable sailing”. This is the brief presented by the owner of SW105#05 when approaching Southern Wind for the first time and Nordic Cool will tick all of these boxes.
read more›Karma... the fruit of the latest cooperation between luxury and performance yacht builders Maxi Dolphin and Wicklow-based designer Mark Mills really is just that...
read more›Having recently completed her refit at the MB92 shipyard in Spain, where she was stationed for over a year, the 180.61-metre Lürssen motor yacht Azzam was spotted in Gibraltar.
read more›Se cercate la barca all’ultimo grido, il Toy 51 Fly non fa per voi. Ma se siete interessati all’essenza dello yachting, quello vero, allora leggete e guardate qui. Non ve ne pentirete.
read more›Beneteau Project E, cioè il long cruiser a motore secondo il gigante francese. La barca per viaggiare cambia faccia. Linee tonde, grandi volumi interni, tante miglia di autonomia e uno scafo in grado di affrontare anche l’Oceano.
read more›Complete with a Gran Turismo version, the semi-custom sailing yacht has been designed by Nauta Yacht Design and Farr Yacht Design in collaboration with Southern Wind.
read more›The SW120 is now offered with 3 different deck configurations: Raised Saloon, Deck Saloon and the new Gran Turismo version.
read more›Southern Wind has developed their 39.39-metre flagship sailing yacht SW120 concept to now include a new Gran Turismo version. The semi-custom bluewater performance SW120GT.
read more›Da Castagnola Yacht, storico cantiere di Lavagna (Genova), arriva l’Heritage 9.9, un progetto esclusivo che unisce la sapienza dei maestri d’ascia e le più moderne tecnologie costruttive.
read more›Un progetto esclusivo che unisce la sapienza dei maestri d’ascia e le più moderne tecnologie costruttive. È l’Heritage 9.9 di Castagnola Yacht, storico cantiere di Lavagna.
read more›Un progetto esclusivo che unisce la sapienza dei maestri d’ascia e le più moderne tecnologie costruttive. È l’Heritage 9.9 di Castagnola Yacht, storico cantiere di Lavagna.
read more›Royal Huisman has been commissioned to build a 46 metre high-performance cruiser sloop yacht. Named Reichel/Pugh-Nauta 151, and also known as Project 405, the versatile sailing yacht was commissioned by “very experienced” owners.
read more›Royal Huisman, the Dutch luxury yacht builder headquartered in the town of Vollenhove, has announced the signing of a new 46-metre world-cruising performance sloop as commissioned by an experienced owner.
read more›Finally, we are giving you the results of the 2020 Multihull of the Year election, after 6 months of intense suspense! So, congratulations to the winners and a massive thank you to all of you for voting!
read more›“Solcare il Passaggio a Nord Ovest e documentare la vita della fauna marina”. Così Vasco Buonpensiere, co-fondatore e direttore sales & marketing di Cantiere delle Marche.
read more›After recently unveiling the new SWCAT90 with Southern Wind at boot Düsseldorf, where he also showcased the plans behind a glamorous new 27m catamaran slated for delivery in 2021.
read more›«Portare la vita di bordo il più vicino possibile al mare, alla natura, al suo ambiente e quindi poter godere al massimo di quello che c’è attorno allo yacht». È dal 2007 e dalla presentazione di Project Light.
read more›Design, prestazioni, long range: il nuovo 60’ di Cantiere del Pardo, presentato alla fiera di Dusseldorf, sarà varato in autunno.
read more›Nauta Design is pleased to inform you that on January 18th the Oceanis 30.1 was awarded “EUROPEAN YACHT OF THE YEAR” 2020 in the “Family Cruiser” category in Dusseldorf.
read more›Bénéteau ha annunciato il lancio di un 72 e un 65 piedi nati per navigare senza fretta e a lungo. Comfort, spazio e tanta autonomia. In arrivo per l’anno prossimo.
read more›Following the worldwide success of the open walkaround range, with more than one hundred Pardo 38, Pardo 43 and Pardo 50 boats sold in just two years, having beaten the competition in the sector of luxury tenders.
read more›Group Beneteau has announced its entry into the expedition yacht segment with Project E – a new line of displacement yachts which will be launched in 2021 in two lengths – 62- and 73-feet.
read more›During a press conference coinciding with the Düsseldorf Boat Show, the SWCAT90 project was unveiled.
read more›During a press conference coinciding with the Düsseldorf Boat Show, the SWCAT90 project was unveiled. The SWCAT90 is a 27m sailing catamaran, constructed in carbon composite.
read more›Con la voce carica d’emozione Fabio Planamente, uno dei proprietari del cantiere, ha svelato in anteprima mondiale al Salone Nautico di Düsseldorf il nuovo nato di casa Pardo Yachts: il Pardo 60 Endurance.
read more›South-African shipyard Southern Wind has unveiled its latest concept, SWCAT90, a 27.07-metre sailing catamaran at this year’s Düsseldorf Boat Show.
read more›The noted French builder premieres two voluminous vessels at Boot Dusseldorf in an all-new passagemaker line.
read more›Grand Soleil 44 is the new challenge of Cantiere del Pardo facing the performance world.
read more›The new SWCAT90 project has been unveiled during a press conference at Boot Dusseldorf 2020.
read more›Beneteau ha presentato al Boot di Düsseldorf il progetto di due nuovi modelli dislocanti, con grandi spazi e capacità di navigazione oceanica, che danno il via alla nuova gamma Project E.
read more›Following the worldwide success of the open walkaround range, with more than one hundred Pardo 38, Pardo 43 and Pardo 50 boats sold in just two years, having beaten the competition in the sector of luxury tenders.
read more›Imagine not just one, but two exceptional seaworthy boats, featuring exquisite comfort and luxury, and an incredible amount of space, ideal for the perfect ocean cruise. These code-name “PROJECT E” yachts will be officially launched in 2021.
read more›Nauta Design is Milan-based studio founded in 1995 by Mario Pedol and Massimo Gino. It was an offshoot of Nauta Yachts, a brand that has been working right across the board in the nautical industry since 1985.
read more›Un armatore al suo primo sailing yacht e un cantiere che, dopo una parentesi nei motoryacht, torna nella vela.
read more›Seatius wins the ISS Design and Leadership award for best sailing yacht from 24 to 40 mt.
read more›It was another success for Nauta Design when the International Superyacht Society gave G2 the ISS Award for “Best Refit” on October 30th in Fort Lauderdale.
read more›Launched at the tip of the African continent at the Southern Wind Shipyard in 2018, sailing yacht Seatius is the South African builder’s second unit in its growing SW96 line of high-performance world cruisers.
read more›Construction has begun on Southern Wind’s fourth unit from the 105 miniseries at its Cape Town facility. Her new owner is expected to take delivery of the 34.59-metre yacht during the first quarter of 2021.
read more›Realizzata in carbonio, porta la firma di Nauta Design e Farr Yacht Design, è la quinta unità della serie 105 di Southern Wind, la più leggera. Consegna prevista per l’inizio del 2021.
read more›L’ammiraglia di Lagoon, il nuovo Seventy7, è lunga poco meno di 24 metri e larga 11. VPLP Design ha firmato l’architettura navale, Nauta Design gli spazi interni e Patrick le Quément ha disegnato la coperta.
read more›Navigare veloci e in comfort: è stato il brief dell’armatore al cantiere sudafricano per la seconda unità della miniserie SW96. ottimizzata per la crociera, si distingue per il layout con meno cabine, ma più spaziose e un ponte sicuro e ben organizzato.
read more›Ecco le cinque regine che hanno trionfato al Premio Barca dell’Anno di Vela e Motore al Salone di Genova 2019.
read more›Pendennis has been constructing, refitting and rebuilding fully bespoke superyachts for 30 years and has completed work on numerous large-scale projects.
read more›Sailing yacht Ammonite, the third unit of the 31.41-metre Southern Wind SW96 miniseries, is currently under construction at the Cape Town-based Southern Wind shipyard and is due for delivery during 2020.
read more›Nauta feels that the honest design is based on simple lines: we don't like to overdo surfaces or interiors; from our point of view a yacht should be a simple and natural unit where emotions, experiences and life stories are created.
read more›Built from a steel hull and aluminium superstructure, Slipstream’s design is characteristic of the studio, with light-filled interiors, close contact to the water and a strong outside/ inside connection.
read more›The Nauta 78m Slipstream is a new superyacht concept, which includes light-filled and airy interiors, seamless and harmonious inside/outside connection, breathtaking views from both inside and out, and close contact with the water.
read more›Nauta Design has created a 78.40-metre superyacht concept named Slipstream. The project has been developed with a deep level of design and engineering and is to be used for construction bidding purposes.
read more›Nauta Design prides itself on what it considers clean, simplified styling. It additionally aims for a naturally continuous, naturally bright look and feel as you transition from outside to inside.
read more›Moonflower è uno degli ultimi e più intriganti progetti firmati da Nauta. Design innovativo, molti spazi open, contatto diretto con l’acqua e layout e arredi flessibili.
read more›Quando ha visto i disegni del SW 96 ne è stato conquistato, racconta Jim Schmicker, vice presidente di Farr Yacht Design che da 30 anni collabora con Southern Wind.
read more›Eleganza, tecnologia, comfort e prestazioni: sono questi gli elementi che caratterizzano il nuovo MD75 by Mills che sta prendendo vita nel cantiere italiano Maxi Dolphin di Erbusco (Brescia).
read more›Natural materials bring the interior of 33.5-metre Mimi la Sardine to life thanks to an owner with an eye for the organic and a board on pinterest. Roger Lean-Vercoe tours an earthy explorer designed with a little help from social media.
read more›Il Grand Soleil 42 Long Cruise è l’ultimo modello nato della gamma Blue Water dedicata alla crociera a lungo raggio del Cantiere del Pardo.
read more›Sarà a Cannes, a settembre, il debutto sul mercato del Grand Soleil 42 LC ultima nata della gamma Blue Water dedicata alla crociera a lungo raggio del Cantiere del Pardo. Design di Nauta Yachts, linee d’acqua di Marco Lostuzzi.
read more›Just as “My Song” is for those who think they don’t like jazz, the Baltic 130 named after Keith Jarrett’s well loved composition is a yacht for those who think they don’t like sailing boats.
read more›Erede del mitico 450 (venduto in 900 unità), il nuovo 46 ne migliora spazi e prestazioni. Ha piano velico con albero arretrato per navigare con grandi vele di prua.
read more›Nauta Design wishes to congratulate the Owners and their construction and design teams for their essential contribution to these award-winning projects.
read more›Cinderella IV became G2 in a dramatic and environmentally sound transformation that gave her first-time owners the yacht of their dreams.
read more›An expanding beach club dubbed “The Island” is the star attraction of a new 78 metre superyacht concept presented by Nauta Yachts. Designed inside and out by Nauta, the 78.4 metre.
read more›Lagoon Yachts is the market leader when it comes to cruising catamarans and their new 46 sits plumb in the middle of the range. Claire Mahon takes it for a spin.
read more›Sarà una delle barche di maggiore tendenza della stagione 2019, stiamo parlando del nuovo Maxi Dolphin. Il momento di toccare l’acqua è sempre più vicino, così come i primi bordi a vela.
read more›South African shipyard Southern Wind has delivered the 34.59-metre yacht Power of 2, the third unit of the SW105 miniseries, to her new owner after weeks of intense sea trials.
read more›Hot on the heels of the delivery of SW105#02 Kiboko Tres, Southern Wind has launched the 34.59-metre SW105#03 Power of 2 at their facility in Cape Town.
read more›Three months after the delivery of SW105#02 Kiboko Tres, the Southern Wind Team announces the christening of SW105#03 “The Power of 2”, which increases the numbers of SWS’ fleet of high-performance.
read more›e are pleased to inform you that two Nauta designed yachts won the prestigious Boat International Design and Innovation Awards 2019, held in Cortina on January 27th.
read more›After her launch in October last year, the 33.1-metre Mimi la Sardine from the Italian yard Cantiere delle Marche is preparing for charter
read more›The new RP-NAUTA 100’ custom yacht is proceeding at full speed at Southern Wind Shipyard in Cape Town, South Africa. Work is on target for the delivery scheduled in Spring 2020.
read more›Nauta Design is pleased to inform you that on January 19th the Oceanis 46.1 was awarded “EUROPEAN YACHT OF THE YEAR” 2019 in the “Family Cruiser” category in Dusseldorf.
read more›New details and renderings have been released about the RP-Nauta 100 custom sailing yacht currently in-build at Southern Wind Shipyard. Work is continuing on schedule on the 30 metre high performance cruise.
read more›Oceanis 46.1 in Family Cruiser, Arcona 435 in Performance Cruiser, Sunbeam 46.1 in Luxury Cruiser, Fountaine Pajot Astréa 42 tra i Multiscafi e Lite XP tra le Special Boats sono i cinque vincitori dell'European Yacht of the Year 2019. Tutte le foto e i commenti della giuria.
read more›Nauta Design is pleased to inform you that the construction of the newRP-NAUTA 100’ custom yacht is proceeding at full speed at Southern Wind Shipyard in Cape Town, South Africa.
read more›Sarà presentato in anteprima mondiale a Boot di Dusseldof, che inaugura sabato 19 gennaio, il nuovo Oceanis 30.1 di casa Bénéteau. Si tratta del più piccolo della gamma Cruising (9,53 m), una misura, quella sotto i dieci metri.
read more›The Dutch yard revives its fortunes and returns to form with a 36 metre that has become a beautiful showcase and a beloved cruiser for its London-based designer owner.
read more›Lungo 31,41 metri il secondo esemplare della mini serie SW96 è progettato da Farr e Nauta Design. che hanno disegnato uno yacht a misura di armatore alla ricerca di una barca performante.
read more›At the heart of the solutions developed by Videoworks is a centralised rack system to avoid local racks distributed throughout the yacht and provide a more ‘clutter-free’ environment.
read more›We are pleased to let you know that the Baltic 130’ MY SONG, designed by Reichel Pugh and Nauta, won the 2018 RORC Transatlantic Race, taking Monohull Line Honours on Tuesday 04 December 2018 at 17:47:11 UTC.
read more›Dopo la vittoria di Soldini e Maserati tra i multiscafi (LEGGI QUI), la RORC Transatlantic Race continua a parlare italiano. Il Baltic 130 My Song di Pierluigi Loro Piana, skipper Giorgio Benussi.
read more›Pier Luigi Loro Piana's Supermaxi My Song finished the 2018 RORC Transatlantic Race on Tuesday 04 December 2018 at 17:47:11 UTC taking Monohull Line Honours.
read more›Southern Wind Shipyard in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa has recently launched their latest build, the stunning SW105 high-performance cruiser.
read more›Costruito dalla tedesca Lürssen cinque anni fa e di proprietà di un emiro, “Azzam” è tra i più lunghi e veloci panfili al mondo. Vale attorno ai 500 milioni.
read more›The whole CDM Nauta Air range is centered on achieving a high quality LIFESTYLE for enjoying time with family and friends immersed in the beauty of the yacht’s natural surroundings.
read more›The 14.6-metre (48-foot) vessel, which boasts exterior and interior design by Nauta and naval architecture by Francesco Rogantin, is built by compatriots Maxi Dolphin.
read more›O estúdio italiano Nauta Yachts Design lançou o seu primeiro tender personalizado; o chamado Nauta Tender 48. O modelo de 14,62 metros apresenta design exterior e interior da Nauta Design.
read more›What do you do when you don’t find what you want in a yacht tender? You hire the design studio you favor to tailor one to your taste, and then have it built accordingly.
read more›Italian studio Nauta Design has launched its first custom designed sailing superyacht chase boat; the Nauta Tender 48. The 14.62 metre tender features exterior and interior design by Nauta Design.
read more›Tre costruzioni diverse e due versioni, Performance e Race, per il nuovo GS 48 di Cantiere del Pardo disegnato da Lostuzzi e Nauta Yachts, che ha disegnato coperta e interni.
read more›Velocità, sicurezza, eleganza. Il nuovo Southern Wind 105, Kiboko III, è un mix riuscito di queste tre caratteristiche. Realizzato per un armatore “fedelissimo” – questa è la sua terza barca commissionata al mitico cantiere di Città del Capo.
read more›South African yard Southern Wind has confirmed that Kiboko Tres, the second hull in the SW105 series of 32 metre sailing yachts, has been delivered.
read more›In the last few months we have announced the sale of 3 yachts, Aurelia 29 (Flexplorer), Project MG 129 and Explorer 40.22. Today, we are proud to announce that on July the contract for a Darwin 112 has been finalized.
read more›There are very few owner-designer partnerships that have lasted as long as that between Pierluigi Loro Piana and Mario Pedol of Nauta Yachts.
read more›Mario Pedol of Nauta Design shares the melodic interior secrets of My Song with Tory Kingdon.
read more›Southern Wind announces the delivery of the second in the high-performance cruiser miniseries, the SW105 Kiboko III, sister ship of SW105#01 Satisfaction, launched in January this year.
read more›The famous name on the yacht racing circuit, Kiboko, has taken a new shape this month with the completion of Southern Wind’s latest unit in its SW105 miniseries, Kiboko Tres.
read more›Il Lagoon 46 è il nuovo modello del cantiere francese per il 2019 e sostituirà il glorioso 450, venduto in oltre 740 unità. Il team progettuale è invariato: lo studio VPLP per l’architettura navale e Nauta Design per gli interni.
read more›Mettete insieme un armatore ambizioso e dalle possibilità importanti, con due degli studi di design navale più importanti al mondo (Farr e Nauta Design), uniteli con un cantiere di indiscussa eccellenza come Southern Wind.
read more›Italian shipyard Cantiere delle Marche (CdM) has successfully launched the fifth vessel in its Nauta Air series, the 33.5 metre Mimi la Sardine, at their facility in Ancona.
read more›The 33.5 metre steel and aluminium explorer yacht features exterior and interior design by Mario Pedol and Massimo Gino of Nauta Yachts and naval architecture and engineering by Hydro Tec.
read more›The A80 JIKAN is the new 80-footer by Advanced Italian Yachts, designed by the American naval architects John Reichel and Jim Pugh and by the Italian yacht designers Mario Pedol and Massimo Gino of Nauta Yachts.
read more›Nauta Yachts announces an avant-garde motoryacht project with construction to start by the end of the year.
read more›Ahead of Monaco Yacht Show 2018, Nauta Yachts has unveiled a new avant-garde, custom superyacht project: Moonflower.
read more›Nauta Yachts has revealed its latest superyacht design, the 70 metre Moonflower. The yacht has been developed for an experienced owner and construction on the project is due to begin by the end of the year.
read more›Un buon valido motivo per andare al Salone di Genova dal 20 al 25 settembre, anche solo per vederlo ormeggiato in banchina, è la presenza del nuovissimo Advanced A80 Jikan.
read more›Il nuovo Oceanis 46.1 di Bénéteau è un superbo miglioramento del best seller Oceanis 45 che ha avuto molto successo in tutto il mondo ed è stato premiato nel 2012 con il titolo di “European Yacht of the Year” nella categoria Family Cruiser.
read more›Lagoon Seventy8 è il modello più recente della gamna a motore del cantiere francese, parte della divisione CNB del Gruppo Bénéteau. È un elegante catamarano di 24 metri che offre l’abitabilità di un maxi yacht.
read more›There’s only one more day until the opening of the 2018 Cannes Yachting Festival. Without a doubt one of the most interesting new yachts is the Grand Soleil 48.
read more›Continua il rinnovamento della gamma Oceanis del Cantiere francese Beneteau con il nuovo 46.1 che va a sostituire il best seller Oceanis 45, imbarcazione che nel 2012 è stata nominata “European Yacht of the Year”.
read more›Italian yard Advanced Yachts has launched its latest 24 metre A80 sailing yacht Jikan. Designed by American naval architects John Reichel and Jim Pugh, in collaboration with the Italian design studio Nauta Design.
read more›Southern Wind has announced a signed contract for the construction of the new RP-NAUTA 100 custom yacht. Commissioned for an experienced yachtsman, the yacht’s general design, exterior and interior was developed by Nauta Design.
read more›Just months after a team of shareholders took control of the business, South Africa’s Southern Wind Shipyard (SWS) has been commissioned to build the new RP Nauta 100’ custom yacht for an experienced yachtsman.
read more›Southern Wind Shipyard has announced the signing of a new RP-Nauta 100 custom sailing yacht. The 30 metre high performance-cruiser, commissioned by a serious yachtsman, will feature exteriors and interiors by Nauta Design.
read more›Southern Wind Shipyard has announced a contract for a new custom vessel: R/P-Nauta 100. The yacht’s design (both exterior and interior) was developed by Nauta Design, in association with Reichel/Pugh Yacht Design.
read more›Scende in acqua un altro 80 piedi di Advanced Yachts, JIKAN, l’elegante Maxi Yacht dalle prestazioni sportive unite e dal lussuoso confort degli interni, che contraddistinguono lo stile e l’alto contenuto di design delle nostre imbarcazioni.
read more›Scende in acqua un altro 80 piedi di Advanced Yachts, JIKAN, l’elegante Maxi Yacht dalle prestazioni sportive unite e dal lussuoso confort degli interni, che contraddistinguono lo stile e l’alto contenuto di design delle nostre imbarcazioni.
read more›Scende in acqua un altro 80 piedi di Advanced Yachts, JIKAN, l’elegante Maxi Yacht dalle prestazioni sportive unite e dal lussuoso confort degli interni, che contraddistinguono lo stile e l’alto contenuto di design delle nostre imbarcazioni.
read more›Lungo 11,73 metri, il nuovo entry level della gamma è più leggero di circa 600 kg rispetto al precedente. A tutto vantaggio di comfort e prestazioni. Lo abbiamo provato a Barcellona e armato con randa e Code e ci siamo divertiti.
read more›Ci sono due armatori appassionati di vela, e di nodi, dietro gli ultimi vari del Cantiere Southern Wind: due barche sorelle dalle linee purissime programmate per regate e crociere.
read more›Due pale del timone, randa avvolgibile nell’albero e fiocco autovirante come standard. La rinnovata gamma Oceanis si amplia con il 46.1, un modello di 14,60 metri che segue tutte le evoluzioni introdotte lo scorso anno con i 51.1 e 55.1
read more›Seatius, the latest yacht to come out of the Southern Wind Shipyard in Cape Town, South Africa is a true bluewater thoroughbred. Unlike her sistership Sorceress, which was commissioned with racing in mind.
read more›L’architettura navale di Cantiere delle Marche Hyhmä è stata affidata alla società olandese Vripack, mentre le sue linee e gli interni sono di Mario Pedol e Massimo Gino di Nauta Yachts.
read more›Moonen Yachts has launch its 36.3 metre Project Martinique, which has now been named Brigadoon. Built to Lloyd's standards, Brigadoon features exterior styling by Rene Van Der Velden and naval architecture by Diana Yacht Design.
read more›Mettete insieme un armatore ambizioso ed esigente, un cantiere esclusivo di prestigio del made in Italy, un designer di fama mondiale autore di alcune delle più belle e performanti barche attualmente naviganti.
read more›Built with a high-tensile steel hull and aluminium superstructure, the 36.3-metre superyacht features exterior design from the drawing boards of René van der Velden Yacht Design, interior design by Nauta Yachts.
read more›A year after the launch of the Oceanis 51.1, the French yard presents the new Beneteau Oceanis 46.1. The boat will be launched in Sydney next August and then at the main European and American boat shows in autumn 2018.
read more›A year after the “Oceanis 51.1 phenomenon”, Beneteau is still creating a small revolution in this 30-yearold line. The new Oceanis 46.1 is a superb progression of the bestselling Oceanis 45.
read more›La firma è sempre degli “archistar” Finot-Conq e il design è in scia a quello dell’apprezzato 51.1 ovvero un scafo con un redan, uno spigolo, piuttosto alto sull’acqua.
read more›This week, we get to know Mario Pedol, who together with Massimo Gino, founded the Italian brand Nauta Yachts.
read more›Bénéteau Oceanis 51.1: volumi, prestazioni e comfort. La gamma Oceanis si rinnova partendo dallo scafo e dalle linee d’acqua per soddisfare le esigenze dei crocieristi moderni.
read more›The Cantiere delle Marche-built world explorer Hyhmä was created in the pursuit of raw quality while travelling the Northwest Passage. The Nauta Air 111’ (33.9-metre).
read more›The founder of Nauta Yachts Mario Pedol having started out with sailing boats, moved on to working on interiors and then to shaping hulls, including motor yachts.
read more›Mario Pedol, fondatore di Nauta Yachts, ha cominciato con le barche a vela per poi lavorare agli interni e da qui alla forma degli scafi, anche degli yacht a motore.
read more›Her unusual name is the first hint that Hyhmä has some serious cruising ahead of her. This 33.83 metre explorer yacht was built by Italian yard Cantiere delle Marche for a Central American client.
read more›The Martinique model is recognisable as part of the Moonen family, but features a low-profile exterior, vertical windows and sharper lines. Inside, its Nauta Design interior sports a modern 349GT.
read more›Following her arrival in Falmouth, England back in autumn 2017, the Tripp designed performance sailing sloop G2 (ex. Cinderella IV) is currently undergoing a major refit at Pendennis Shipyard.
read more›Con 33 metri di lunghezza è l’ammiraglia della gamma Nauta Air. Costruito in acciaio e alluminio, Narvalo è un tre ponti robusto ed elegante realizzato su misura per esplorare il mondo, senza fretta.
read more›British superyacht refit yard Pendennis has revealed that the 39 metre sloop G2 is mid-way through a nine-month makeover.
read more›Making the entire sailing superyacht suit their style, the owners of G2 have a top-to-bottom makeover underway at Pendennis. The nine-year-old yacht will be far sleeker outside and more modern inside come hand over this summer.
read more›The experienced owner of Sorceress had already owned a series of boats — ranging from a Class 40 that he raced two-handed with a friend to a 24 metre custom carbon yacht — when he went shopping for his next one.
read more›South African shipyard Southern Wind has announced the launch of the second vessel in their miniseries of high-performance cruiser races: the 31.41-metre Seatius.
read more›The Lagoon Seventy 8 catamaran offers cutting-edge innovations and technologies.
read more›Having taken to the water last year at Cantiere delle Marche (CdM) in Ancona, Italy, the shipyard’s fourth motor yacht in its elegant Nauta Air range has now been handed over to her owner and will be cruising the world.
read more›Non è stata un’anteprima mondiale, quella al salone nautico di Parigi, ma certamente la presenza del nuovo Bénéteau Oceanis 51.1 è stata una delle più apprezzate dal grande pubblico.
read more›La silhouette dello yacht più grande del mondo, Azzam, proprietà d'un principe arabo, porta la firma di Nauta Yachts: lo studio milanese dove quindici professionisti.
read more›Il cantiere del Cantiere del Pardo allarga la sua gamma con il Grand Soleil 48 Performance, il varo del primo esemplare è previsto per la fine di maggio 2018.
read more›Il Cantiere del Pardo presenta il Grand Soleil 48 Performance, scafo nato dalla collaborazione dell’ufficio tecnico del Cantiere del Pardo, dello studio Nauta Yacht Design che ha curato interni e coperta.
read more›Il Cantiere del Pardo è pronto per un nuovo grande lancio: si tratta del Grand Soleil 48 Performance, uno scafo nato dalla collaborazione di tre importanti team: l’ufficio tecnico del Cantiere del Pardo, lo studio Nauta Yacht Design.
read more›Oltre alla versione standard anche quella Race con la possibilità di costruirla in epossidica e carbonio, il nuovo Grand Soleil 48 Performance promette di essere una barca versatile che vuole stupire.
read more›Annunciato il lancio del Grand Soleil 48 Performance, che si propone di essere il punto di forza della sua gamma peformance, uno scafo nato dalla collaborazione di tre team: l’ufficio tecnico del Cantiere del Pardo, lo studio Nauta Yacht Design.
read more›Il nuovo GS 48 P di Cantiere del Pardo sarà disponibile nelle versioni Performance e Race con ben tre differenti metodi di costruzione. Sarà esposta ai prossimi saloni autunnali.
read more›Il Cantiere del Pardo e` pronto per un nuovo grande lancio: si tratta del Grand Soleil 48 Performance, uno scafo nato dalla collaborazione di tre importanti team: l’ufficio tecnico del Cantiere del Pardo.
read more›The first unit in the new SW105 performance cruiser miniseries, S/Y Satisfaction, was commissioned by a performance-oriented owner who was looking for the latest in yachting technology.
read more›First time contender Ammonite has won the 2018 New Zealand Millennium Cup after taking line honours in four out of the six races. The 24.72 metre Southern Wind sloop fought off fierce competition from reigning champion Tawera.
read more›The 34.59-metre SW105 sailing yacht from the South African shipyard, Southern Wind, has been delivered, the yard has today announced.
read more›The first hull in the SW105 series of 32.27 metre sailing yachts Satisfaction has been delivered, her builder Southern Wind Shipyard has confirmed.
read more›Benetti’s Fast 125’ M/Y Skyler and Lagoon’s flagship Seventy 7 have been awarded Best of the Best for 2017 under the 100-180ft category and named Sailing Yacht of the Year respectively.
read more›Just as “My Song” is for those who think they don’t like jazz, the Baltic 130 named after Keith Jarrett’s well loved composition is a yacht for those who think they don’t like sailing boats.
read more›Nuova commessa di prestigio per il cantiere Maxi Dolphin di Erbusco (Brescia). All’MD75 by MILLS, attualmente in fase di realizzazione, si affianca un Tender da 48’, disegnato da Nauta Yachts.
read more›We are pleased to inform you that the Baltic 130’ MY SONG, designed by Nauta and Reichel Pugh, has been recognized with the 2017 International Superyacht Society Award in the “Best Sail 24-40m” category.
read more›C’è una forte impronta italiana nella vittoria che il Baltic 130 My Song ha raccolto all’International Superyacht Society Award come migliore yacht a vela tra i 24 e i 40 metri.
read more›She is covered in a romantic steely grey exterior as she sits quietly in the blue waters of lovely Cape Town. Black vultures silently swoop overhead with their massive wingspans of over two and a half meters
read more›Catamaran producer Lagoon premiered its latest flagship 24m Seventy 8 at the 40th Cannes Yachting Festival. Designed by VPLP, Patrick Le Quément and Nauta Design.
read more›The first hull in the Southern Wind 105 series of 32.27 metre sailing yachts has been launched in Cape Town and named Satisfaction. Styled inside and out by Nauta Design, her naval architecture comes courtesy of Farr Yacht Design.
read more›La gamma LC, grazie ai suoi ampi volumi, garantisce un maggiore comfort e una lussuosa vita a bordo.
read more›Cantiere delle Marche's Nauta Air M/Y Narvalo sets a tough-to-beat standard among semi-custom yachts.
read more›To build the world’s most advanced, state-of-the-art, all-carbon multi-role superyacht, the highly experienced owner of the My Song lineage of yachts knew he had to put together a team that excelled in their respective disciplines.
read more›Design, performance and quality made in Italy characterize the new Grand Soleil 52LC, designed by Marco Lostuzzi and Nauta Design.
read more›La gamma Long Cruise dedicata al mondo “Blue Water” è nata nel 2015 con il 46LC, vincitore del premio European Yacht Of The Year nella categoria Luxury Cruiser.
read more›When an all-star team consisting of Baltic Yachts, Nauta Design, Reichel/Pugh, and MCM join forces, you know the result will be something special.
read more›Eleganza, tecnologia, comfort e prestazioni: sono questi gli elementi che caratterizzano il nuovo Mills 73 Maxi Dolphin che sta prendendo vita nel cantiere italiano Maxi Dolphin di Erbusco.
read more›Quaranta metri di tecnologia e di design, My Song è il nuovo mega sailer di Pier Luigi Loro Piana, perfetto per regatare senza compromessi tra comfort e prestazioni.
read more›Catamaran builder Lagoon will debut its new motoryacht flagship – Seventy 8 – and stage world premieres of sailing yachts Lagoon 50 and 40 at the Cannes Yachting Festival.
read more›My Song’s designers, Mario Pedol and Massimo Gino, call this a “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde boat”. That’s almost true, except for one important distinction: Dr Jekyll spent a lifetime trying to repress his inner beast. Here, they’re trying to harness it.
read more›L’accoppiata a cui si riferisce è quella dei progettisti che hanno disegnato questo nuovo 58 piedi, ovvero Umberto Felci per le linee d’acqua e Nauta Design per coperta e interni.
read more›Beneteau will reveal the first of a new generation of Oceanis sailing yachts – Oceanis 51.1 – at Cannes Yachting Festival (September 12-17) before heading to Southampton and Annapolis, celebrating the range’s 30th anniversary.
read more›Finalmente il cantiere francese Beneteau è uscito allo scoperto. Dopo averci tenuto sulle spine, mostrandoci un solo render della prua di quella che sarà una delle barche più chiacchierate dei prossimi mesi.
read more›The first vessel in Southern Wind Shipyard’s new mini-series of cruiser-racers has been delivered to her owner. Launched in April this year, Sorceress was built for a passionate yachtsman.
read more›Technical features such as a carbon-fiber mast and boom, as well as a raised-saloon design, give the Southern Wind Crossbow an edge over other yachts in the 100-foot sailing class.
read more›My Song is not only the latest high performance, genuine multi-role super sailing yacht to be launched by Baltic Yachts, but she also benefits from a plethora of new ideas.
read more›The 29.23 metre all-carbon sailing yacht Sorceress has been delivered by South African yard Southern Wind. Styled inside and out by Nauta Design, she features naval architecture by Farr Yacht Design.
read more›As unlikely as it might seem, Mario Pedol was commissioned to draw the exterior lines for 590-foot (180-meter) Azzam at a time when his biggest powerboat design that had ever been buil.
read more›Launched last September in Cannes, the SEVENTY 7 - Lagoon’s flagship catamaran - has just won the “2017 Adriatic Boat of the Year” award as part of the highly respected International Boat Show, INTERNAUTICA.
read more›MY Song and Narvalo are winners at the World Superyacht Awards 2017.
read more›SuperyachtNews is among the first to go aboard the 39.62m carbon sloop on a wet and chilly day in La Spezia…
read more›Capricorno è un nome che, per chi conosce la storia della vela italiana e quello dello yachting internazionale, significa molto. Un nome che evoca grandi sfide e un’epoca forse andata, quella di una generazione di barche ed armatori che hanno fatto la storia dell’altura.
read more›The Lagoon Seventy 7 was named as the Best Sailing Yacht (above 65 feet) at the Asia Boating Awards on April 5 at ONE °15 Marina Club in Singapore.
read more›South African yard Southern Wind is celebrating the launch of the 29.23 metre all-carbon sailing yacht Sorceress, which was splashed earlier this month. Styled inside and out by Nauta Design.
read more›South African yacht builder Southern Wind Shipyard launched the first of its new miniseries cruiser-racer yachts this week as the 96’ sailing yacht Sorceress hit the water in Cape Town harbour.
read more›Entering the waters of Cape Town, the latest SW96 sailing yacht Sorceress was launched on a misty morning to bring a brand-new evolution of sailing style for Southern Wind.
read more›The first unit of Moonen’s Martinique model and second yacht in the Dutch yacht builder’s Caribbean range was recently the focus of attention at the shipyard when the project’s hull and superstructure were joined.
read more›t’s not often that a staircase can aptly sum up the essence of a yacht, but you can certainly make that argument about Narvalo. This 33.4 metre explorer yacht was launched in 2016 by Cantiere delle Marche as the first Nauta Air 108.
read more›Winner: Lagoon 42. The first of three dedicated catamaran classes for 2017 was a decidedly French affair, with three of the four contestants hailing from the sailing-crazed nation.
read more›Cruiser o racer? Non esistono più le barche pure perché appartengono al passato. La 46 dei Cantieri del Pardo è meticcia. Tiene insieme performance sottovela e comfort in crociera.
read more›South African sailing yacht specialist Southern Wind has announced the delivery of Allsmoke. This 27.5 metre custom sloop features naval architecture by Reichel-Pugh Yacht Design and interiors by Nauta Design.
read more›My Song is the sixth yacht total and the fourth sailing yacht designed by Nauta for the same Owner, the latest step in a partnership based on mutual admiration and respect that began almost 30 years ago.
read more›The Baltic 130 My Song has triumphed as a double winner in the ShowBoats Design Awards 2017 after being judged the Most Innovative Sailing Yacht and winning the Best Exterior Design and Styling.
read more›To passionate superyacht owners, sailors, and racers, the craftsman at Finland’s Baltic Yachts are doing way more than just winning superyacht design awards for their blazingly fast.
read more›Il Cantiere del Pardo è presente al Boote di Duesseldorf nella Hall 16 Stand C21 con due modelli, entrambi particolarmente interessanti il mercato nordeuropeo.
read more›Dimensioni, tecnologia e design innovativo oltre i limiti per questo mega yacht di origini olandesi
read more›Cantiere Delle Marche has sold the second model in its Nauta Air 108 series of 33.4 metre explorer yachts to a client from northern Europe.
read more›The 42 has been enticing the industry’s most prestigious magazines since the beginning of the year. As a result, she has just been awarded Boat of the Year by the leading American magazine Cruising World in the "less than 50 feet.
read more›Lagoon achieved a new sales record in the category of 56-foot catamarans. Indeed, after the 42 and the 52, it is time for the 560 to celebrate her 100th unit!
read more›We are pleased to inform you that Nauta Design’s work has recently been recognized with two awards at the 2016 International Superyacht Society Awards.
read more›Oceanco’s recently unveiled motor yacht Spectrum presents a dazzling hybrid glimpse of the future.
read more›South African yacht builder Southern Wind has launched its custom-built racer/cruiser sailing yacht named Allsmoke over the past weekend. Designed by Reichel Pugh Yacht Design.
read more›In true boat show fashion, Oceanco decided on the opening day of the FLIBS 2016 to unveil its new superyacht concept named Spectrum. The Dutch shipyard collaborated with Nauta Design on the 102-metre concept project.
read more›Il 33 metri di Cantiere delle Marche ha ricevuto il prestigioso riconoscimento dalla più importante associazione di operatori del mondo dei Super e Megayacht nella categoria Best Interior Design alla vigilia del Salone Nautico di Fort Lauderdale.
read more›Motor yacht division of Perini Navi, and builders of world-cruising, streamline explorer yacht, Picchiotti, has introduced a new line of ‘modern classic’ superyachts.
read more›Baltic Yachts has delivered its latest creation in superyacht innovation and racing-spirited contenders. The 40-metre My Song is built for an experienced yachtsman, designers Reichel/Pugh and Nauta Design.
read more›Following the development of a highly custom 90’ racer/cruiser yacht, commissioned last year, Cape Town-based shipyard Southern Wind has applied a new level of building technology to introduce two new mini series models.
read more›Outdoor and indoor in a seamless connection.
read more›French shipbuilder Beneteau will present the two new cruising yachts of the Oceanis range - OC 35.1 and OC 38.1 this autumn.
read more›Cantiere delle Marche have completed their flagship model named Narvalo which was launched over the weekend. The 33 metre yacht is constructed with a steel hull and aluminium superstructure to a design by Nauta Yachts.
read more›Launched at the end of last year, Baltic Yachts’ high performance 35 metre sailing yacht Nikata has been put through her paces in a series of regattas over the past winter cruising season.
read more›Ha toccato l'acqua il primo esemplare del nuovo Grand Soleil 58 Performance, nato dalla collaborazione di Umberto Felci, Nauta Yachts e Cantiere del Pardo.
read more›Following the rapturous reception of M/Y Azzam, Nauta Yachts continues with Baltic-built Nikata.
read more›Il Nauta Air 90 Noga costruito dal Cantiere delle Marche, secondo esemplare della linea firmata da Nauta Yachts, è una navetta compatta ed elegante con caratteristiche stilistiche e tecniche meritevoli di attenzione.
read more›Part of the Beneteau Group, Lagoon celebrated the 100th Lagoon 620 sailing catamaran to leave the shipyard at a ceremony on February 25.
read more›The Grand Soleil 46 LC, a completely Italian boat built by Cantiere del Pardo with interior and exterior design by Nauta Design and hull, appendages and sail plan by Marco Lostuzzi.
read more›La barca del Cantiere del Pardo, firmata da Nauta Design e Marco Lostuzzi, è European Yacht of the Year nella categoria luxury cruiser.
read more›Nauta Yachts, led by Mario Pedol, has launched the 165m Gleam project hoping to follow on from the success of Azzam in 2013.
read more›Mario Pedol, designer extérieur du plus grand giga-yacht privé, Azzam, livré l’an dernier par le chantier allemand Lürssen, présente un nouveau projet baptisé Nauta 165m.
read more›Cantiere delle Marche has recently announced the sale of a new Nauta Air 111’ explorer yacht, marking the successful sale of the fourth vessel in the Nauta Air range.
read more›Nauta Yachts has presented a new 39.6m sailing yacht design under construction at Finland-based Baltic Yachts, which is due for delivery in June 2016.
read more›ADVANCED A80 APSARAS, with exterior and interior design by Nauta Design, completed in first position the ARC 2015 - Atlantic Rally for Cruisers cruising division" from Gran Canaria to Saint Lucia.
read more›Mario Pedol of Nauta Design has been conferred with an Honorary Membership in the Altagamma Council.
read more›Following her launch in August this year, the new Baltic 115 Nikata completed her sea trials successfully in Finland and recently arrived in Antigua ahead of the Caribbean regatta season.
read more›Unveiled at the Cannes Yachting Festival in September this year, the A80 sailing yacht Apsaras by Advanced Italian Yachts is the largest yacht in the Italian shipyard’s fleet.
read more›Noga’s owner has had seven boats and knew exactly what he wanted for this one, which included semi-displacement performance.
read more›In June this year the Southern Wind shipyard in Cape Town launched their 4th hull in the successful SW 102 mini-series, and the second Raised Saloon version, Seawave. The yacht has proven itself to be a competent regatta.
read more›Advanced 44 è un day sailer ad alte prestazioni divertente, sportivo e veloce disegnato da Roberto Biscontini con Nauta Yachts a cui si devono ponte, tuga e interni.
read more›Following the launch of Baltic’s 116 Doryan last year, comes the unveiling of the yard’s second hull designed by Nauta with naval architecture by Judel Vrojlik.
read more›Launched on time, on budget and on schedule to take part in the RORC Caribbean 600 Race this winter, the silver-hulled Baltic 115 Custom is set to raise performance stakes as she prepares to leave her builders in October.
read more›Advanced 44 is a high-performance day sailer that is fun, sporty and fast designed by Roberto Biscontini with Nauta Yachts for the deck layout, coachroof and interiors.
read more›Nauta Yachts has provided us with the latest design revolution surrounding high-tech sailing. The newly unveiled Reichel Pugh Nauta Baltic 130’ is the largest sailing yacht ever designed by Nauta Design.
read more›Nauta Design are proud to unveil more details about their largest ever sailing yacht project – the new superyacht Baltic 130’, representing the fourth joint venture of the Italian design studio and Baltic Yachts.
read more›A repeat client of the Nauta Yachts design studio will take delivery next summer of an unusually fast sailing superyacht. Being built by Baltic Yachts, she’s known for now as a Baltic 130 Custom.
read more›Meet Seawave, the newest Southern Wind sailing superyacht. She’s part of the semi-custom SW102 series from the South African shipyard.
read more›With the launch of the stunning new blue water cruiser Doryan, Baltic Yachts has delivered a truly impressive sailing yacht that perfectly combines timeless design with perfect living comfort and contemporary comfort.
read more›CDM Nauta Air 86’ Yolo wins the international yacht & aviation awards 2015 in the “power yacht over 25m” category.
read more›Nauta Desig's Southern Wind 102' FARFALLA gained the "Quality " Value" World Superyacht Award 2015.
read more›Italian company Advanced Yachts has announced the launch of the 24 metre Advanced A80 superyacht in Pesaro on the 16th May.
read more›Built by the South African shipyard Southern Wind and launched in May 2014, the 31.78 metre superyacht Farfalla...
read more›Moonen Shipyards has announced that the first semi-custom 36 metre Martinique project is making excellent progress, and is scheduled for delivery in the summer of 2016...
read more›A 541-foot (165-meter) megayacht may seem the realm of fantasy. And it is, if from the drawing tables of some designers hoping to break into the yachting industry...
read more›Cantiere delle Marche has recently announced the sale of two new superyachts; a Darwin Class 102’ and a Nauta Air 108’. The two sales increase the Italian shipyard’s total sales in 2014 to five, three of which took pace in South America.
read more›Baltic Yachts has launched their 116 footer, named Doryan. The owner wanted a high-performance cruiser...
read more›JVNB 115 Yacht by Nauta Design and Judel-Vroljik - New sailing yacht JVNB 115’ by Nauta Design and Judel-Vroljik under construction at Baltic Yachts...
read more›Mario Pedol, designer extérieur du plus grand giga-yacht privé, Azzam, livré l’an dernier par le chantier allemand Lürssen, présente un nouveau projet...
read more›Baltic Yachts has today announced the signing of a custom 39.62 metre high performance cruising yacht. To date, the company has delivered nine fully custom yachts over 30.48 metres built in carbon composite...
read more›Baltic Yachts have announced a new order for a 35m full-custom sailing yacht, which was finalised just before the Monaco Yacht Show...
read more›Designed as the flagship of their high performance sailing yacht range, Nauta Design conceived a large 47.25 metre sloop, in co-operation with the renowned naval architects Reichel-Pugh.
read more›Nauta Design has kept its core principles in mind during the design of a 58m expedition vessel...
read more›